일본 거주 캐나다 출신의 백인 유튜버 미카엘라

백인 유튜버 미카엘라(Micaela)

1988년생 캐나다 뱅쿠버 출신으로 일본 후쿠오카에 거주하는 블로거, 유튜버 미카엘라(Micaela Braithwaite)의 채널.
17세 때 고교 교환학생으로 온 후 일본에서 대학 진학하여 음악을 전공했다. 요시다 마사기 사무소 소속으로 티비 등 방송 활동을 하기도 했다. 한국 여행 영상을 업로드 하며 일본에서 디스를 당하기도 한 모양인데 자세한 내막은 모르겠다. 당시 국내에서는 일본 거주 백인 유튜버로 화제가 되기도…

I am a CANADIAN living in Fukuoka Prefecture, which is a long way from Tokyo! I’ve been living in Kyushu for almost 12 years, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. ♡♥♡
I graduated from a Japanese Language School called NILS in 2010, and graduated Fukuoka School of Music with a diploma in Music in March 2012. Now I work for Yoshida Masaki Agency in Tokyo (remotely, in Kyushu) as a video creator.

The Coolest Art Village In Japan You Haven't Heard Of (Yet)! 能登半島に来て大感動した件!

[Episode 4] Blown Away By Aomori's Underrated Food Scene (日本語字幕あり)青森県は日本食の天国だあ!

[Episode 3] Driving Through Dynamic Miyagi Prefecture to Sendai (日本語字幕あり)宮城に入って仙台に向かって観光中!

[Episode 2] Hiking Yamadera in Yamagata ! (日本語字幕あり)山寺でハイキングしてきた!

[Episode 1] My First Visit to Fukushima! (日本語字幕あり)初めて福島を観光してきた!

🍣 Tour Shinjuku's Food Scene With A Local! 外国人向けの新宿ツアーに参加してみた!

[30 Second Japan] A touching way to say goodbye to the Island 島の送別会に感動! #japantravel #tokyotravel

🔰 HOW TO SEE ALL OF TOKYO IN ONE DAY! 簡単に1日で東京を観光する方法を紹介します!

[30 Second Japan] Sunken Shipwreck off the coast of Ogasawara Islands! 父島の沈没した船を見に行った! #boninislands

[30 Second Japan] This remote Japanese island used to belong to the USA ✨😮 小笠原諸島の歴史が深い!


[30 Second Japan] 24 hours from Tokyo to Japan’s most remote island community! 24時間にかけて小笠原諸島に行く!

Life Update (Warning: Sensitive Content) (大丈夫だったり、大丈夫じゃなかったり)

[30 Second Japan] Unzen, Nagasaki 雲仙岳を30秒で紹介してみた!

Tokamachi, Niigata - Hidden Art Village 新潟県十日町

3 Days in A Remote Island Village in Japan - 本州から3時間離れた隠岐の島

Micaela Braithwaite – ミカエラの Asia Travel Diaries

(Photo By Hyakutaro/Bijogoyomi.com) Hi! My name is Micaela Braithwaite.  I was born in Canada, but I came to Japan as a highschool exchange student at the age …