뉴질랜드 여행가 닉(Nick )의 평양 북한여행기

Indigo Traveller 4대륙 54개국을 여행중인 뉴질랜드 여행가 브이로거 닉(Nick )의 평양 북한 여행기 영상

아직 북한 여행중..지금까지 방문한 나라중에서 가장 독특하고 매력적인 나라다. 평양에 있는 세계에서 가장 높은 스톤타워에서 촬영한 사진이라는데…장소는 모르겠다.

Fresh off the boat from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). Still processing this trip, the most unique and fascinating country I have ever visited – by far. Still pinching myself.
This photo is taken from the top of the highest stone tower in the world (140M) in Pyongyang – the capital city of North Korea.

INSIDE NORTH KOREA (Surreal experience)

1 DAY IN NORTH KOREA (Overwhelming Experience)

THIS IS NORTH KOREA? (not what I expected)

My Holiday in North Korea (not what you think)

Empty North Korea Hotel (Strange Experience)

마이클팰린 북한 다큐 1/2편 427 남북정상회담 직후 평양취재

마이클팰린 북한 다큐 2/2편 427 남북정상회담 직후 평양취재

평양 대동강 전경
Looking over the Taedong River in Pyongyang, North Korea. Stunning blue sky day. It’s funny when you think of the majority of photos and video clips you see on the internet of North Korea are normally taken on days with depressing weather like overcast. Why is that? The whole time I was there it was weather like in the photo.

평양 기차역 : 북한에서 찍은 사진 중 내가 가장 좋아하는 것
Pyongyang Train Station: Probably my favourite of the photos i took in North Korea.