외신기자의 문재인 정부 100일 평가! 서울특파원 3인의 대담

서울 주재 해외언론 특파원이 평가하는 문재인 정부 100일

8월 17일 문재인 정부는 출범 100일을 맞았다. 국정 운영 지지율이 70%를 넘으며 지금까지 국민들의 평가는 긍정적이다. 그렇다면 외신기자들은 문재인 정부를 어떻게 평가하고 있을까?

22일 외신기자들을 초대해 국내외 다양한 이슈들에 관해 토론하는 아리랑TV의 뉴스토론 프로그램 ‘해외특파원(Foreign Correspondents)’에 3명의 외신기자가 출연하여 문재인 정부를 평가했다.
이날 방송에는 CBS 라디오뉴스의 도널드 커크, 이란 방송국 Press TV의 프랭크 스미스, 일본 마이니치 신문의 요네무라 코이치 기자가 출연하여 긍정적으로 평가했다.

외신 기자들이 본 문재인 정부 100일…”지금처럼 쭉 해나가길”

Foreign Correspondents Ep.48
President Moon Jae-in’s first 100 days in office

Moon Jae-in administration marks 100th day in office
On August 17th, the Moon Jae-in administration marked their 100th day in office. For the first time in constitutional history, the Moon administration started without a transition committee, due to the presidential vacancy. The public opinion on the achievements of the Moon administration have been generally positive. After the inaugural ceremony, the approval rating of President Moon Jae-in has never fallen below 70%. In addition, a survey conducted by several media outlets on the occasion of the 100th day since the establishment of the Moon administration, showed the state administration exceeded 80% approval rating. The most important reason why the administration has had high approval ratings is ‘smooth communication with the people’. The way President Moon Jae-in communicates with the people has been regarded as extraordinary and fresh. On the other hand, the strong commitment to ‘eradicate corruption’ and efforts to create jobs are among the reasons for the high approval rating of the administration.

100 days of Moon administration, what’s next?
The Moon Jae-in administration has been resolving numerous tasks in the hundred days since its launch. But there are challenges that have not yet been solved. The first task the Moon administration should solve most urgently, is the repeated provocation of North Korea. In August, North Korea threatened to attack the U.S. territory of Guam, and the tensions over the Korean peninsula peaked. Another issue that the Moon Jae-in administration should resolve are the ‘diplomatic conflicts’. The Chinese Foreign Ministry has criticized the Moon administration for decided to temporarily deploy the THAAD launchers, in a state where relations with China have been frigid, due to the THAAD deployment issue… as this week, we will discuss in detail, the achievements of the Moon Jae-in administration over the past 100 days and their future challenges.

문재인 정부 100일! 변화는 모든 곳에서 일어나고 있다.
검찰 개혁을 비롯하여 우리 사회 적폐 청산을 가속화 해나갈 것이다.

문재인 정부 대국민 보고대회 청와대 토크쇼 풀영상 | 김타쿠닷컴

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