살 빠진 자신의 모습을 상상하면 다이어트 효과 5배
다이어트 효과를 높이는 간단한 방법
영국 플리머스 대학의 연구팀은 살이 빠진 자신의 모습을 상상한 그룹은 6개월간 4.11kg의 감량에 성공한 반면, 보통의 감각으로 다이어트에 도전한 그룹은 740g 감량에 그쳤다고 연구결과를 발표했다.
또한 6개월 경과 후에도 전자는 지속적으로 효과가 나타나고 있는 반면, 후자는 특별한 변화가 없었다.
이번 연구는 기능적 이미지 트레이닝 (Functional Imagery Training: Fit)이라는 카운셀링 방식을 채용하여, 대면 또는 전화상담을 통해 마른 자신을 상상하면서 다이어트를 하도록 의뢰했다.
Research shows weight loss can be boosted fivefold thanks to novel mental imagery technique
Overweight people who used a new motivational intervention called Functional Imagery Training (FIT) lost an average of five times more weight than those using talking therapy alone, shows new research published today by PenCLAHRC, the University of Plymouth and Queensland University of Technology.
Functional Imagery Training (FIT)
행동변화를 위한 동기 강화 및 훈련을 위해 인지이론을 효과적인 개입으로 전환
생활습관병(Lifestyle disease)은 국가적인 문제이다. 습관을 바꾸기 위해서는 동기 부여가 필요하기 때문에 처방(예: 건강식, 금연)만으로는 효과가 없다. 의사나 물리치료사가 좋은 팁을 알려주어도 잘 실천하지 않는다. 왜냐하면 동기부여가 지속적으로 되지 않기 때문이다.
FIT는 동기를 강하게 부여하여 행동 변화를 이끌어 내는 새로운 방법이다.
What is FIT?
Functional Imagery Training (FIT) is a unique approach to behaviour change that uses mental imagery to motivate change. FIT teaches people new ways of thinking about their immediate future to help them stay motivated as they achieve each small step towards their goal. Users have described FIT as a ‘mindset shift’, where they exercised or ate healthily because they wanted to, rather than feeling they had to.
How does it work?
FIT is based on two decades of research showing that mental imagery is more strongly emotionally charged than other types of thought. Mental imagery is what gives drug cravings their dominance over other thoughts, but it can also be what makes us work successfully towards a new goal despite obstacles. FIT blends person-centred counselling with tailored imagery exercises to strengthen motivation. It builds desire and self-efficacy for behaviours that will help the individual reach their goal.
Staying motivated
FIT goes beyond other brief motivational interventions by teaching clients how to elicit and practice motivational imagery themselves, resulting in sustained behaviour change. Everyday behaviours are used to cue imagery practice until it becomes a cognitive habit.
When can it be applied?
FIT is applicable to a wide range of conditions. It has been used to change eating habits, treat alcohol dependence, and increase physical activity. The length of the intervention can be tailored to these different settings, from a brief consultation or small section of a larger intervention, to a more extensive intervention with several interviews over a few weeks to sustain motivation until a new behaviour has become habitual.
Who can use FIT?
Anyone with basic person-centred counselling skills who wants to help their clients change a behaviour or stick with a new behaviour. If you would like to become a FIT practitioner, please contact us to find out more about our CPD courses (details below).