[올리버쌤] 변태를 영어로 말하면? pervert!
변태나 변태적인 사람을 영어로 말하면?
음흉한 사람, 야한 생각을 자주하는 사람
그런 사람 보면 뭐라고 하세요?
You’re such a pervert. 변태 같은 녀석!
What a perv! 변태야!
Your mind is in the gutter. 머릿속이 하수구에 있나 봐.(더럽다)
Get your mind out of the gutter. 야한 생각 좀 그만해라.
You have a dirty mind. 머릿속이 좀 지저분하네요.
원어민 올리버쌤 영어강의 – 변태
미국에도 변태가 많아요! 그래서 그 사람들을 위한 표현도 많답니다.
변태 친구가 있다면 오늘 표현 잘 익혀보세요.
Pervert Meaning
Video shows what pervert means. One who has been perverted; one who has turned to error; one who has turned to a twisted sense of values or morals.. A person whose sexual habits are not considered acceptable..
pervert synonyms: deviant, perv.
What does pervert mean?
pervert. Noun
1. (dated) ; One who has been perverted; one who has turned to error; one who has turned to a twisted sense of values or morals.
2. A person whose sexual habits are not considered acceptable.
For example, Those perverts were trying to spy on us while we changed clothes!
pervert. Verb
1. (transitive) ; To turn another way; to divert.
2. (transitive) ; To turn from truth, rectitude, or propriety; to divert from a right use, end, or way; to lead astray; to corrupt.
3. To misapply; to misinterpret designedly.
For example, pervert one’s words
4. (intransitive) ; To become perverted; to take the wrong course.
(Can we find and add a quotation of Testament of Love to this entry?)
올리버쌤의 영어공부 팁과 미국 문화! | 김타쿠닷컴
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