문재인 대통령에게 개식용 없는 대한민국 호소하는 뉴욕 교민

유엔총회 참석차 미국 뉴욕을 방문중인 문재인 대통령에게 개식용 없는 대한민국을 호소하는 교민 I am on it

문 대통령의 방미에 맞추어 개고기 및 개식용에 반대하는 사람들이 맨해튼에 모여서 시위를 했다. 그녀가 페이스북에 모임글을 올리고 공감하는 사람들이 모였다.

문 대통령 일행이 뉴욕 동포간담회에 참석하기 위해 자동차로 맨해튼의 호텔로 이동중 교통정체로 대기하는 있는데 한복 차림의 한인 여성(Susan Song)이 다가와 개식용 없는 대한민국을 만들어 달라고 호소하고 있다.

그녀는 “문 대통령이 차안에서 미소로 눈을 마주치며 고개를 끄덕였다. 알았다고 하는 것 같았다.”고 말하고 있다.
He looked at all of us and our signs and continued to acknowledge our message. He continued with his beaming kind smile and nodded as if to say “I got it, and I am on it”.

문재인 대통령님께서는 우리 7명의 눈을 한사람 한사람 맞추어주셨고 포스터까지 읽어주시며 우리 모두를 사랑스럽고 안타까운 눈빚으로 쳐다보시면서 마치 “알겠읍니다” 라고 끄덕끄덕 하셨어요.


아래 송승경(Susan Song)씨의 페이스북 글이다.

“How we stumbled our way to President #JaeInMoon #문재인”
We were shooed away by the secret service over and over. It seemed we were not going to see President JaeIn Moon of South Korea..
Only the invited guests were allowed to stand close to the hotel. We were sent wayyyy down the street. It was just a guess as to which street or side to stand. We were feeling doom.
Then it happened.
I saw a Korean man in a police car. That was a clue! I started to walk down, and wouldn’t you know it, in the third car was THE PRESIDENT. He saw me before I saw him through the tinted glass. I guess my wearing the traditional Korean dress paid off. How can anyone miss that in the middle of busy Manhattan?? As I approached his car I was greeted with the most amazing, genuine loving smile. He saw the poster that I was holding and gave me a brief sympathetic look then he nodded.
Thanks to the NYC gridlock even HE couldn’t get away. It seemed like an eternity. I felt I was out of things to say towards the end. But he kept his eyes on us. He not once looked away. He looked at ALL of us and our signs and continued to acknowledge our message.
He continued with his beaming kind smile and nodded as if to say “I got it, and I am on it”.
(It most definitely was fate: one second, one step, one wrong direction… NO President… all fate that moved us in the right direction.)
Video by Val McAndrews
Thank you for attending: Edward Oporto, Yuki Endo, Briana Perez, Hyung Landes